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Readings for the Week of July 14, 2024
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Monday, July 15
Saint Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
(Lectionary: 389)
Reading 1 - IS 1:10-17
Responsorial Psalm - PS 50:8-9, 16BC-17, 21 AND 23
Alleluia - MT 5:10
Gospel - MT 10:34-11:1

Monday, July 15 - OPTIONAL
Memorial of Saint Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
(Lectionary: 600)
Reading 1 - Eph 3:14-19
Responsorial Psalm - Ps 119:9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Alleluia - Mt 23:9b, 10b
Gospel - Mt 23:8-12

Tuesday, July 16 - Our Lady of Mount Carmel
(Lectionary: 390)
Reading 1 - Is 7:1-9
Responsorial Psalm - PS 48:2-3a, 3b-4, 5-6, 7-8
Alleluia - Ps 95:8
Gospel - Mt 11:20-24

Tuesday, July 16 - OPTIONAL
Memorial of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
(Lectionary: 601)
Reading 1 - Zec 2:14-17
Responsorial Psalm - Lk 1:46-47, 48-49, 50-51, 52-53, 54-55
Alleluia - Lk 11:28
Gospel - Mt 12:46-50

Wednesday, July 17
(Lectionary: 391)
Reading 1 - Is 10:5-7, 13b-16
Responsorial Psalm - Ps 94:5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 14-15
Alleluia - Mt 11:25
Gospel - Mt 11:25-27

Thursday, July 18 - Saint Camillus de Lellis, Priest
(Lectionary: 392)
Reading 1 - Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19
Responsorial Psalm - Ps 102:13-14ab and 15, 16-18, 19-21
Alleluia - Mt 11:28
Gospel - Mt 11:28-30

Thursday, July 18 - OPTIONAL
Memorial of Saint Camillus de Lellis, Priest
(Lectionary: 601A)
Reading 1 - 1 Jn 3:14-18
Responsorial Psalm - Ps 112:1-2, 3-4, 5-7a, 7b-8, 9
Alleluia - Jn 13:34
Gospel - Jn 15:9-17

Friday, July 19
(Lectionary: 393)
Reading 1 - Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8
Responsorial Psalm - Isaiah 38:10, 11, 12abcd, 16
Alleluia - Jn 10:27
Gospel - Mt 12:1-8

Saturday, July 20 - Saint Apollinaris, Bishop and Martyr
(Lectionary: 394)
Reading 1 - Mi 2:1-5
Responsorial Psalm - Ps 10:1-2, 3-4, 7-8, 14
Alleluia - 2 Cor 5:19
Gospel - Mt 12:14-21

Saturday, July 20 - OPTIONAL
Memorial of Saint Apollinaris, Bishop and Martyr
(Lectionary: 601B)
Reading 1 - Ez 34:11-16
Responsorial Psalm - Ps 23:1-3a, 4, 5, 6
Alleluia - Jn 10:14
Gospel - Jn 10:11-16

Sunday, July 21 - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Lectionary: 107)
Reading 1 - Jer 23:1-6
Responsorial Psalm - Ps 23:1-3, 3-4, 5, 6
Reading 2 - Eph 2:13-18
Alleluia - Jn 10:27
Gospel - Mk 6:30-34

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